Harris Academies
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Work Experience Year 12

As part of our careers education programme, all students in Year12 are provided with the opportunity of a two-week work experience placement at the end of Year 12. Students are encouraged to find their own placement to simulate the job application process.

Benefits of a work placement

A work placement will improve your employability skills, give you an insight into the workplace, increase your knowledge of your chosen industry, maximise your chances of finding future employment, improve your communication skills and confidence, and give you the chance to optimise your CV and UCAS application. Work experience is a compulsory aspect of your career education at Harris Academy Falconwood and every Year 12 student is expected to take part.

How to find a work placement

The best place to start is by asking family or family friends if they can offer you a work placement at their company. You can also complete the quizzes on Unifrog to help you understand the kinds of careers and jobs that will suit you, then research these online. You can also ask local business where you live, or think about contacting your primary school if you are interested in teaching or childcare.

How to let us know about your work placement

Once you have agreed a work placement with an employer, login to Unifrog go to ‘Placements’ and ‘add a new placement’. Complete the form, entering all the details of your work placement. The process is explained further in the check list overleaf. You need to do this by Monday 1st May.

Work placement guidance

Contact your employer in advance to find out the details of when and where to go on your first day, what to wear and take with you. Always be polite and professional, arrive on time and remember to make eye contact, ask lots of questions and listen to instructions and information given to you. Always ask if you are unsure of anything, you are there to learn. If you have any issues during your work placement, please phone the Academy. On completion of your placement, you and your employer will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire to review how it went and you will be asked to review your placement.

For work experience queries, please contact careers@harrisfalconwood.org.uk

Feedback from employers last year

Very confident, holds his own in conversations, getting involved in everything, a real credit to the school, great young man, chips in with suggestions and ideas.

Getting on well, very hands on, keen to join in.

Been helping in the classroom with the children, engaging well, setting up activities, reading 1-2.

Fantastic, she is really enjoying it and taken to the work very well. We are keeping her busy with going out into properties and working in the office, as well as looking at risk assessments.

For more information see our Work Experience page

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