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Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) & Relationships, Sex and Heath Education (RSE)

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Relationships, Sex and Heath education (RSE) at Harris Academy Falconwood is taught in Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. The purpose of the PSHE and RSE course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of life skills which are not necessarily delivered in other subjects which ensures that students can be reflective, well-rounded citizens with skills for life.


At HAF,  important aspects of the RSE course are taught within the PSHE programme. Students are provided with a series of lessons which are dedicated to their social, emotional and physical development, and allows students to develop a variety of valuable life skills which will not just enhance them academically but will also help them make more sensible and informed decisions outside of the academy. The course includes the exploration of important topics which come under the PSHE themes: relationships, careers, online safety, living in the wider world, health and wellbeing and staying safe in the community. There are a number of principles which underpin the PSHE curriculum.

These include:

  • To bring students into contact with the issues of relationships, morals, ethics, values and are all developed through the curriculum.
  • To provide contextual knowledge which enables learners to develop and build a good sense of identity and belonging.
  • To enable learners to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed at life in modern Britain including; PSHE & RSE
  • To enable learners to consider, understand and live up to their responsibilities towards themselves, their families, and society.
  • To ensure that learners access IT and related knowledge including the dangers of technology.
  • To continue to focus on the holistic development of learners within our Academy.


PSHE and RSE is delivered to students as part of their normal curriculum offered here at the Academy. The lessons follow the typical Harris Academy Falconwood pedagogy. Frequently, the teacher may plan a lesson out of the classroom to develop the skills associated with that lesson topic. Students are encouraged to debate, discuss and challenge themselves (and others) throughout the curriculum. These lessons are dedicated to developing the PSHE education of our students. All PSHE topics delivered are age appropriate and have been planned in accordance with advice from the PSHE Association. The RSE follows the latest government guidance. These lessons are designed to nurture the development of students at age-appropriate levels, where they continue throughout each key stage.


The PSHE and RSE Coordinator will organise regular training opportunities for staff who are delivering this course. The PSHE curriculum, promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and society (School Standards and Framework Act 1998, S79; Circular 1/94 paragraph 16). Effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is essential to the holistic growth of students. In PSHE and RSE teachers monitor students learning through participation in class and the dialogue of learners. Teachers also check the quality of students' books for learning and provide whole-class feedback to identify areas for development. As with any subject, successful AFL strategies are used throughout the course so teachers can ascertain any misconceptions or topics which need further teaching at any point. PSHE falls under the ‘normal’ Academy routines for reporting and assessments as a key subject area.

KS3 Curriculum Map

KS3 PSHE Curriculum Roadmap

KS4 Curriculum Map

KS4 PSHE Curriculum Roadmap

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