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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Jobs, Apprenticeships & Information

As times change, so does the need to reflect and deliver important careers information in the most useable and appropriate manner and format. Every single website shown here is free and there are no charges whatsoever.

Logo v Gatsby Good Career Guidance - A report on improving career guidance in secondary schools which includes the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Logo vGatsby Good Practice - A website which shares good practice from the Northeast pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks, and other information and support for schools.

Logo compass Compass - A self-evaluation tool to help schools to evaluate their careers and enterprise provision and benchmark against the Gatsby Benchmarks and compare it with other schools.

Uk government crown crest logo 9FDF513DBC seeklogo.com State of the Nation 2017 - A report on the careers and enterprise provision in secondary schools in England in 2016/17. It examines how schools are performing in relation to the Gatsby Benchmarks, based on data from responses to the Compass tool.

Cec logo Careers & Enterprise Company - The Careers & Enterprise Company brokers links between employers, schools, and colleges in order to ensure that young people aged 12-18 get the inspiration and guidance they need for success in working life.  Careers & Enterprise Company: Schools and Colleges. Connects schools to businesses volunteers and careers activity programmes.

Uk government crown crest logo 9FDF513DBC seeklogo.com National Careers Service - The National Careers Service provides information, advice, and guidance to help people make decisions on learning, training, and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. Qualified careers advisers support this.

Amazing apprenticeships c391da10 Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge for Schools (ASK) - A network of teachers, careers advisers and ambassadors who will promote apprenticeships and traineeships in positive ways to year 10-13 pupils in the North, Midlands, London, and the South.

Baker Dearing Logo Colour 500px Baker Dearing Educational Trust - Information on University Technical Colleges.

Uk government crown crest logo 9FDF513DBC seeklogo.com Find an Apprenticeship - Search and apply for an apprenticeship in England.

Cdi logo Career Development Institute - The Career Development Institute is the single UK-wide professional body for everyone working in the fields of careers education, career information, advice and guidance, career coaching, career consultancy and career management. It offers affiliate and individual membership to schools which includes free CPD webinars, regular digital newsletters, a quarterly magazine, online networking groups and training at a preferential rate.

Cdi logo Career Development Institute Framework for careers, employability, and enterprise education - A framework of learning outcomes to support the planning, delivery and evaluation of careers, employability and enterprise education for children and young people.

Cdi logo UK Register of Career Development Professionals - The single national point of reference for ensuring and promoting the professional status of career practitioners.

Images Quality in Careers Standard - The Quality in Careers Standard in the national quality award for careers education, information, advice, and guidance.

LMI for All - An online data portal, which connects and standardises existing sources of high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) with the aim of informing careers decisions. This data is made freely available via an Application Programming Interface (API) for use in websites and applications.

STEM Logo 220801 STEM Ambassadors - A nationwide network of over 30,000 volunteers from a wide range of employers, who engage with young people to provide stimulating and inspirational informal learning activities in both school and non-school settings

Studio Schools Trust - The organisation that unites all Studio Schools, acting as a linking point between Studio Schools, enabling the sharing of best practice as well as providing advice and curriculum support.

Footer logo color english Unistats - The official website for comparing UK higher education undergraduate course data. The site includes information on university and college courses, Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) ratings, student satisfaction scores from the National Student Survey, employment outcomes and salaries after study and other key information for prospective students.

Uk government crown crest logo 9FDF513DBC seeklogo.com Your Daughter’s Future - A careers toolkit for parents.

Your Life app - Informs and inspires young people by giving them the opportunity to discover hundreds of varied career options.